Drinking fresh coconut is gradually becoming a nutritional habit that many people are interested in, thanks to the benefits it brings to health and skin.

However, to maximize the benefits that fresh coconut water brings, while avoiding possible harmful effects, you need to know how to use this drink properly. Let's find out the answer with FASMPO in this article

What are the effects of drinking fresh coconut  water?

  • Drinking fresh coconut water helps prevent and reduce kidney stones
  • Coconut water is known for its high antioxidant function. Antioxidants are present in coconut water. Thanks to that, drinking fresh coconut regularly will help reduce the risk of skin aging and other related dangerous diseases
  • Drinking coconut water reduces constipation. Fresh coconut water contains lauric acid, an important ingredient that helps the body metabolize and enhance antibacterial and antiviral activity. When drunk in the morning, fresh coconut water helps the digestive system work more effectively, eliminates intestinal parasites and replenishes beneficial bacteria.
  • Drinking fresh coconut is an effective way to supplement water and electrolytes for the body, especially when participating in intense sports activities, fresh coconut provides necessary ions such as potassium, sodium and magnesium. As a result, you have a better chance of recovering quickly, with fewer headaches or nausea.
  • Drinking coconut helps beautify the skin
FASMPO-fresh coconut


Is drinking fresh coconut water every day good?

  • The answer is NO. Drinking too much coconut water than recommended will cause a number of negative effects on the body, including: Lower blood pressure: Coconut water is rich in potassium, good for people with high blood pressure. But drinking too much can lead to excess potassium, lower blood pressure, causing dizziness, lightheadedness and possible fainting.
  • Feeling of bloating: Drinking a lot of coconut water at once can cause the stomach to retain water, causing a feeling of bloating and discomfort.
  • Risk of hyperglycemia: About 100ml of coconut water contains about 5g of carbohydrates, so if you have diabetes, you should control your coconut water intake to avoid hyperglycemia and other serious complications
  • Electrolyte disorders: Drinking too much coconut water can change potassium and sodium levels in the blood, causing electrolyte imbalance. This causes the heart rate to become unstable, even causing the heart to stop beating.
  • Increased pressure on the kidneys: Drinking a lot of coconut water can increase the frequency of urination, putting pressure on the kidneys. People with kidney failure need to be careful when drinking too much coconut water
  • You can drink coconut water at any time of the day. However, it should be noted that coconut water has the ability to stimulate the urination process. Therefore, to ensure uninterrupted sleep, limit drinking coconut water before going to bed.
  • Amount of coconut water that can be consumed in a day: The amount of coconut water consumed in a day should only range from 300-500ml (equivalent to 1-2 fruits) and no more than 2-3 times/week.
  • So you know the basic effects of fresh coconuts exported from Vietnam. If your country doesn't have them or doesn't produce enough fresh coconuts for everyone, import this fruit from Vietnam for good quality

Refer to products made from COCONUT exported by FASMPO at the link below.

Products: https://fasmpo.com/agriculture-products-en

Contact to FASMPO for good prices: https://fasmpo.com/information/contact

FASMPO – the leading exporter in the Vietnamese market